
Why Installing Shade Sails Can Be Good for Your Health

We all know it is critical to protect ourselves from the sun. However, spending time outdoors is good for your mental and physical health.

Did you know that shade sails can protect you from the sun and encourage you to spend more time outdoors?

These are among the health benefits that installing a shade sail at your home or business can provide:

  • Sun Protection: Shade sails offer more than just protection from UV rays; they also help mitigate overall sun exposure, providing a safer outdoor environment.
  • Thermal Comfort: By providing shade, these sails can significantly reduce the heat effects on the body, making outdoor spaces cooler and more comfortable.
  • Enhanced Mental Health: The comfort provided by shade sails encourages more time spent outdoors, which has been linked to improved mental health and well-being.
  • Physical Health Benefits: Regular outdoor activity under shade sails can lead to increased participation in recreational activities, reducing the risk of obesity and preventing chronic diseases.
Health benefits of playing outside

Protection from the Sun

Quality shade sails can reduce your exposure to harmful UV rays. Australia has one of the highest skin cancer rates in the world, including the highest rate of melanoma. Two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime, largely due to significant exposure to the sun. Many people think skin cancer is harmless; however, each year, more than 2,000 Australians die from this disease. Therefore, prevention is critical. The good news is most cases of skin cancer can be prevented by limiting your exposure to the sun.

Overexposure to UV rays damages skin cells and is responsible for 95% of skin cancers in Australia. Many believe you have to stand in the sun to get burnt. In reality, you can be exposed to UV directly or indirectly. Direct exposure refers to standing in the sun without any protection. Indirect exposure occurs when sunlight reflects off other objects, like water or sand, onto your skin. Sunburn and skin damage can occur in just 15 minutes. Additionally, exposure to UV rays can damage the eyes as well as the skin. Therefore, wearing just a hat will not be sufficient for protection.

However, there is good news. Research has shown that quality shade can reduce exposure to UV rays by up to 75%.

Natural shade, such as trees, is an important source of this protection. However, it cannot always provide the protection you need. Some trees can also drop debris or have negative health impacts. If careful consideration is not taken, roots may interfere with nearby buildings and gas and water connections. Built shade, such as a shade sail, can provide added protection to your home or business.

However, you should carefully consider the type of shade sail you install. This is because not all shade sails will provide the  same level of protection. Research has shown that UV rays can penetrate poor-quality shade. In addition, careful design of shade sails is required to avoid exposure to indirect UV rays. For example, choosing the material that your shade sail is made from as well as its size and shape can affect the level of protection your shade sail provides.

The location of your shade sail can also affect how much protection it provides. You should position shade sails carefully to ensure maximum protection is provided at the time of day when it is needed most.

health benefits of shade sails

Other Positive Health Impacts of Shade Sails

However, sun protection isn’t the only positive health outcome shade sails can achieve. Shade sails can also help to provide thermal comfort. This can reduce the effects of heat on the body. Spending time outdoors has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health. A quality shade sail will provide additional comfort, encouraging you to spend more time outdoors. This can lead to increased participation in recreational activities, which are beneficial for both mental and physical health. Spending time outdoors has been shown to decrease your risk of obesity and chronic disease. Considering these health benefits, it is worth considering a shade sail for your home or business.

Here’s a to-do list to improve your health with shade sails.

  • Install a Quality Shade Sail: Choose a high-quality shade sail that offers maximum UV protection and position it strategically to cover high-use outdoor areas at your home or business.
  • Increase Outdoor Time: Make a conscious effort to spend more time outdoors under the shade sail to take advantage of the thermal comfort and natural environment.
  • Engage in Regular Physical Activities Outdoors: Start or increase your participation in outdoor recreational activities like yoga, reading, or playing sports to benefit physically and mentally.
  • Monitor Sun Exposure: Even with a shade sail, be mindful of the times you spend in direct sunlight, especially during peak UV hours, to further reduce the risk of skin damage and skin cancer.
shade sail over play area

Article References

  1. Cancer Council  (n.d.) Shade Cancer Council, accessed 11 July 2024
  2. Cancer Institute NSW  (n.d.) Why is shade important for UV protection? Cancer Institute NSW, accessed 11 July 2024
  3. Cardinia Council  (2019) Shade Policy 2019 Cardinia Council, accessed 11 July 2024
  4. Holman, D.M, Kapalos, G.T, Shoemaker, M & Watson, M (2018) Shade As An Environmental Design Tool For Skin Cancer Prevention, American Journal Of Public Health, 108(12): 1607-1612
  5. King, E.L, Thompson, S & Groskops, N (2022) ‘Integrating shade protection into the healthy built environment agenda: the approach taken in NSW, Australia’, Public Health Research & Practice, 32(1): 1-7