
How to decide where to put a shade sail: A step by step guide

Whether in your backyard, a sporting club, school, park, or community facility, a shade sail is a significant investment. Therefore, you want to put it where it will benefit most.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to decide where to place a shade sail.

Firstly, list all the areas where outdoor activity takes place.

Now, you want to consider the time of day when areas are generally used.
UV radiation is at its highest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. or 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. during daylight saving. Therefore, areas that are used at this time of day should be prioritised when considering where to put shade sails.

While UV radiation occurs all year round, it is more common in summer. Therefore, areas mainly used in summer should be prioritised over areas commonly used in winter.

You also want to consider how long areas are used for.

Damage from the sun’s rays is cumulative. Therefore, areas that are used for long periods of time should be prioritised.

Next, you should think about how often areas are used.

Areas that are used regularly should be prioritised.

Also, consider what activities are performed in different areas. Some activities require more sun protection than others.

For example, swimming is a high-risk activity. UV rays can bounce off the water and onto the skin. In addition, minimal clothing is often worn when swimming.

Using this guide, each of the site’s risk factors increases its priority for shade.

For example, a site used for outdoor activity in the middle of summer for long periods of time would be the highest priority for shade.

Shade audit

Performing a shade audit can help determine where shade will be best positioned. To do a shade audit, you should have a copy of the site plan, which should include any features that will affect where shade will be positioned.

You should consider the site’s uses. If a wide range of people use it, consider asking them how often they visit, how long they stay, and what they do while there.

Think about the sources of shade different areas already have. For example, do they have shade from trees or nearby buildings? Also, consider whether people can easily access this shade.

For example, there may be ample trees, but they may be shading a car park.

You should also consider whether shade is provided at the time of day it is needed most. A good way to determine this is by observing how shade moves around the site during the day.

When determining where the new shade should be located, consider the effects of reflected UV radiation. UV can reflect off certain surfaces, especially concrete and glass.

You want to ensure UV rays won’t bounce off nearby surfaces and into your shaded area. Therefore, consider the surfaces of nearby buildings and objects and the direction they face.

Design Brief

If you are applying for funding, you should prepare a detailed design brief. You should include a site plan, the shade’s estimated lifespan, the need for protection from wind and rain, and the climate of the area where the shade will be located. You should also include where and when you would like the shade to fall. The location and design of your shade sail will play a crucial role in this.

Choosing a custom-made shade sail will ensure the product lasts for longer and provides maximum protection from the elements.

You should also prepare a project budget and remember to think about additional expenses such as insurance.

Choosing the location of your shade sail carefully will ensure it provides the benefit you desire.

Article References

SunSmart (n.d.) Shade Guidelines SunSmart, accessed 1 August 2024.

How to decide where to put a shade sail: A step by step guide